How we calculate rankings

We really spent time on this because we wanted small and big accounts to all have an opportunity to rank well.

So how do you come up with something that’s pretty fair to everybody?

We chose to include not only the quantity of new followers, but also the overall growth in followers as well as the amount of engagement you generate on your tweets.

This way, the quality of the audience and of your tweets is reflected into the rankings.

This is the formula we’ll be using: ****

$$ {\bigg(new \space followers + \frac{new \space followers}{MAX(initial \space followers, \space 1000)} * 1000\bigg) * \sqrt{engagement * 100}} $$

<aside> 💡 With: $engagement = (like + RT + replies) / followers$


It’s a bit complicated to read, sure, but we’ve done tests on a variety of scenarios and it gives a shot to everyone.

It’s possible that over the course of the contest, we will make slight adjustements to this formula if we find that the real-life statistics are unfair. However, we won’t reinvent the wheel! This is our base and we’ll stick with it.

So if you want to rank at the first place, know that these are the elements you need to focus on: